
Jumping on the band wagon..

I must admit..I NEVER follow fashion designers.
Im just not that interested in today's 'fashion'.
I am a lot more interested in vintage fashion (era 1930s-1970).
So I could not be happier to show off (in my opinion) one of the greatest fashion designers..Which I am pretty sure EVERYONE has heard about this woman.. 
Ulyana Sergeenko 
 She is bringing sexy back..haha I am in love with the Bridgette bardot inspired clothing and hair..

Everything is just so feminine..

(backstage photos via This website)


★ JASMINE ★ said...

Love the blog girlie!

Keep up the great posts!

* follow eachother ?


Happy Holidays, xo!

Sarah said...

I'm loving this post! If I have one desire to grow my hair long, it's so I can create updo's like Uylana! xoxo

The Wild Fleur said...

EXQUISITE photos! The 6th one is so dreamy!

Camille @ The Wild Fleur