
Magical Afternoon...

Hello darling, first of all..I want to thank EVERYONE who visited my Halloween party..everyone was soooo sweet!!! Thank you for all the wonderful compliments..you really put me in the Halloween spooky mood..;p But I must tell you about the wonderful day today...I woke up to a Dreamy state of mind..I walked outside and looked up at the cloudy sky's....
and cooler weather (well cooler weather, compared to what it has been)haha...
well I decided to make a cup of peppermint tea (YUMMY!!)
and then I heard a song from outside..a kind of beautiful, eerie song..and I wonderful force was pulling me outside...I grabbed my tea and decided it was time for a fall adventure..
But I needed to find the magical key to unlock the "dreamy vision outside" (you see, they have "Normal keys" that lead to a "Normal destination", so I needed to find my "Magical Key" that leads to a "Magical destination"...hehe)YAY..I found the Magical key..now were off..I wanted to visit my beautiful secret cove...so as I walked in the dreamy state...As I kept walking, I realized even the trees are a little eerie looking..wouldn't you agree??Everything is just screaming HALLOWEEN (at least to me..)!!!Now I have to admit, I have something in common with one of my favorite bloggers..Ms. Vanessa..we both seem to have a fascination with fungi and baby moss..I found this beautiful green baby moss in between my stepping stones..I love it..I can't help but to smile when I see little green patches of moss..:)
So I finally made it to my secret cove, and relaxed with my wonderful tea and just admired the beautiful eerie look of today..ohh I must show you, we have an orange tree in the back yard, and they aren't really ready to eat yet, but I thought it was really cool looking..and the oranges are so heavy and full, that one of the branches looks like its just gonna fall over with fullness..isn't it lovely?? ok darling, well Halloween is only a week away, and Im obnoxiously excited about it..haha I have some last min. altering to do to my costume..it looks somewhat like this (minus the GIANT crown and gold embellishment..haha)

well Im off to finish Halloween stuff around my house..I will see you soon..have a lovely day..



Witches and Ghouls, listen up..there is a fabulous party going on here...Halloween is coming up, and fast..so the darling Mrs Vanessa is Hosting a Big Bash..you can check it out HERE!!
So get dressed up, get in the mood, or just relax and join everybody else's parties...
Grab some finger foods..hehe

Im gonna throw on my halloween socks..listen to my halloween C.D. (it has the monster mash on it..YAY)!!!

Bake some ghoulish cookies for you..(I found this pic. on goole, because I forgot to actually take pics of the cute cookies I made..) ;pIm so in the halloween mood right now, how about you?? I have my Pumpkin Candle buring, to fill the house with that lovely aroma..And the other night, I went outside and saw a FULL moon..I mean, it looked completely full..it was sooo awesome, so I tried taking a picture, but it didnt come out to well..haha ooppss..But then....I heard some rusteling in the tree tops and a hackel of laughs, so I hurried up and took another picture..and what do you know, it came out professional looking..;p (I found this on google too..)But beware, the witches are starting to come out and play..so do not get caught in the moonlight of a full moon, or you may become a frog, or bat..eeekkk...speaking of spooky things, I made a cute haunted house..hehe I love it..do you love it darling???I hope so...well its not exactly like this one, but I tried..;p
well I hope everyone is having a wonderful time..are you getting in the spirit of halloween by decorating yet, or watching movies?? Ive been watching some sscccaarryy movies..(not really scary, its movies like the Adams family and Nightmare before christmas..hehe)

so tell me, what are you going to be for halloween?? Im going to be a vampire..mmuuhahaha..are you going to be a ghouly ghost, or maybe a witch, or a vampire like me?? we can be blood sister..haha (corney I know..) but seriously, I would love to hear what your going to be..I hope you have a wonderful ::cough cough:: I mean...a Scccaarryy time...see you around..bye!!


Halloween party!!!

Hey everyone, I'm super excited about the Halloween party at Vanessas blog ....

I just came back form Hobby Lobby, and bought alot of cute little Halloween things, ok darling, well Im gonna start decorating for tomorrow, check back soon for all the fun..(ps: we just got the glazes in yesterday, and fired our pottery, so now we will see how long it takes for her to let us glaze and then one lucky winner will get a cool handmade pottery sphere, made by, yours truely..Moi..;P have a great night, and watch out for funny shapes in the sky tonight..I heard a cackling last night, and took a snapshot of this...

(found on google) so keep your ears open, and your eyes peeled..you never know what is flying in the night sky...MMUUUHHHAAAHHH..::evil laugh::