O0o0ohh dont worry darling, the ghost and goblins are really little children dressed in costumes..
(or in this case, little cute animals in costumes..hehe)I must tell you a secret...around fall, when all the leaves are changing, the smell of pumpkin pie (or apple pie) is in the air, the weather is nice a crisp (the crisp like freshly washed white sheets..hehe) the sky is a beautiful shade of blue (unlike any other season)...::sigh:: yes, when Fall comes around I turn into the happiest/giddiest little girl (woman) you will ever see..
something about that chill in the air, those beautiful red and orange leaves...pumpkin decorations...it makes my heart smile...
One thing I have always wished (even when I was a little bright-eyed girl) that I could live in a little town that has HUGE town festivals..(like the show Gilmore Girls..), where everyone knew each other, and we would have huge pie baking contest, hay rides.. or ghost hunts..ect..you know what I mean?? I think my little heart would burst with joy if I could ever live somewhere like that...haha
Speaking of Ghost Hunts...guess what is around the corner?? HALLOWEEN!!!! yay....perfect time to get out your ghoulish costumes, decorate your house, bake fresh goodies for the neighbors...
A BIG THANK YOU to Ms. V. over at 'A Fanciful Twist' for inviting us to her party..
PS: Guess what movie just finished being filmed in my 'little' town?? MOTH MAN...HAHAHA I can not wait until it comes out..:D :D :D
(if you want to know more about the mothman..just click on this little video..I found alot of videos on youtube about the mothman.check them out..)