(picture found on google) Would you like one darling?? doesn't it just look scrumptious?? Here darling, this one is for you!! Speaking of cupcakes, I love love love looking at beautiful cupcakes..like these..
(Found on Google)
For some reason these cupcakes remind me of Paris..going to a cute little cafe and eating a beautiful little cupcake..ahh romance in the air..haha anyways..speaking of french.... I found vintage french ads....
I love vintage ads..they are so elegant looking, wouldn't you say?? But something I found very funny, while looking through vintage ads..this one for cigarettes..I honestly laughed when I read the small print.."your throat protection against irritation against cough.." HAHAHAHASo now that you had a little laugh, I must say good bye..I have pottery sketches that I must do, adding and subtracting from my pottery sphere..I have never done it before, so I need all the time I can get!!!haha ok darling, well I hope you have a great week..I will be back soon..ohh please keep my mom in your prayers (still) she still is hurting very bad and in bad health..so please keep her in your prayers..and thank you so much for your kind emails..ohh I will also start painting my little house..I decided that ya'll were right about doing a haunted house (I love Halloween, so I'm excited about it)YAY!!! I'm thinking of something like this...000ooo scary!!! hehe..and I have a secret..I can not wait to tell you..but I must keep is ::hush hush:: right now..ok darling, au revoir!!